More members
Well this wiki has grown a lot as of late, But we are lacking in members it seems as if only the staff and a few other members are editing. I know that marcus has sent out messages about this topic before. But to have a succsesful wiki we need many members. So spread the news on AT wiki chat, RS wiki chat, other wikis, and your IRL friends. Well that is it for now, DEER1JET signing off
My 500th edit
Last night I reached 500 edits, the most I have ever reached on any wiki. And I visited many wikis and made lots of friends. My life on wikia has been very exiting. I never really told anyone my wikia story so here it is:
I started my wikia acount on May 22 2012. I started on brickapedia, and joined adventure time wiki shortly after. Then yasminbarrebera told me about this wiki. Made friends here and edited to become an admin then i was competing with juant!enda, we edited like mad trying to beat eachother. Then my mom grounded me from this wiki and I did not edit for a long time, then on october 26 my mom let me come back. Shortly after I reached my 500th edit :D. Well hope you enjoyed this blog.
Christmas blog!
And so it was decided... that once every year when the weather got chilly, that M1870, Dude who plays AT music, Anime, Adventuretimesbiggestfan, DEER1JET, Aqwerz, Hugwolf2, Iron Rigby, Malybird, a booger, and all the other active users would get together while wearing really big sweaters and watch videos on the floor next to a fire... to celebrate the day when every one at ATSF had a fleeting moment of empathy for the biggest weirdo on ATSF wiki. It was a miracle.
Just thought I would type that up merry christmas everyone! DEER1JET 05:17, December 6, 2012 (UTC)
New design :)
So I thought about a new wiki design and here is what i came up with
We can mess around with that :D
Anyway comment what you think.
Goals Of ATSF Wiki
This is a place wear you can add what should be done on the wiki
put everything it in comments. DEER1JET 00:53, July 24, 2012 (UTC)